Board of Directors

The National Association of Social Workers, New Jersey Chapter is part of the national association of social workers.  We are one, national community with separate state chapters that meet the needs of our membership on the ground.  As part of a national association, we are governed by one legal board at the national level.  State Boards of Directors are programmatic boards, charged with ensuring that the state activities align with the national direction.  

The NASW-NJ Board of Directors are elected by you, our members.  Positions include President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President (Finance), Secretary, 4 Regional Representatives and both a BSW and MSW Student Representative.

President, Carrie Conger     

President Elect, Amml Hussein

First Vice President, Vacant    

Secretary, Renee Frazier 

Northeast Regional Representative,   Audrey Redding-Raines                               

Northwest Regional Representative, Jessica Cruz

Central Regional RepresentativePaola Benitez                      

Southern Regional Representative, Vacant

Graduate Student Representative, Andrew Levey                                   

Undergraduate Student Representative, Angelina Vertz


Lean In

Applications are accepted from January-March, 2024. Check out our guide to learn more about the roles, frequently asked questions and qualifications.  

Timeline: Nominations are currently open.

Voting: May 2024.

Term: begins July 1, 2024 (end date varies based on term)

To make a nomination click here.

Interested in Serving?

Holding an elected position in our organization is meaningful.  You have the opportunity to use your voice, share the experience of your colleagues and friends and help set the vision for our chapter.  It's also a fantastic way to build your leadership skills, learn new things and develop as a well-rounded professional.

Our nomination committee is charged with vetting possible candidates for elections.  You can submit your application today!

Have questions?  Contact our Executive Director via email or by calling the main office. 

Leadership Interest Form