Stay connected with our Chapter Blog

New Jersey has over 22,000 licensed social workers, and over 7,000 members in our organization alone.  That doesn't account for the thousands of social workers whom are not licensed and/or retired.  Collectively, we represent hundreds of thousands of clients, thousands of agencies and impact every community across New Jersey.  There is not one place, space or issue that is not influenced or impacted by social workers.  Our organization blog gives you real-time access to stories, victories and information that is happening within New Jersey itself.  

Related Blogs

The statewide perspective is great, but staying connected to national dialogues is important as well.  Here are some additional blogs we think you may enjoy reading.




Social Work Talks

Did you know that we have a podcast?  We do!  Social Work talks is a great place to explore topics that are most important to you in-depth, and have candid and sometimes challenging conversations.  

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